Thursday, August 14, 2014

Staying Grounded

If there's one thing I learned while being in California for the past six weeks, it's that being away from home is the best way to find who you are. That sounds so cliche, but I can wholeheartedly say it's the truth. I've spent the last 24 hours thinking about my trip and the person I was when I was away from everything I know. It's like you have all this free time to think about everything that happens to you and how you reacted and you decide what type of person you are comfortable being. It's a crazy thing to think about and I'm just coming to these conclusions after being home 6 hours.
I felt that I got to choose what made me happy instead of what I was being pulled to do. I got to decide what entertains me and the type of people I want to surround myself with. I'm not saying I now know the type of person that I am, but It'd like to think that I've made a few discoveries.
I've realized that dance brings me a lot of joy and fulfillment. I am whole when I am dancing and it's a way for me to express myself. I think I would implode if I couldn't dance.
I've realized that humans are meant to be active beings and I'm happier when I exercise more regularly.
I've realized I'm comfortable around people who are themselves and have a different perspective on life. I like being with people who challenge my thinking and are witty. They make life exciting and fresh.
I've realized that the majority of Utah is a bubble. I hate to say it, but outside of Utah there are different life goals and expectations.
I've realized that I am who I am and I'd rather be "hated for who I am instead of loved for who I'm not." It's hard to follow that concept, but the best feeling in the world is loving yourself for who you, why be anything different?
I've realized that I should never settle. I can always be a better person and work harder than I did the day before.
Even though I feel like I've learned so many new things, the one thing that's stuck with me is the importance of staying grounded.
 The night before we left California, my Aunt said, "Every person you guys worked with commented on how grounded you were." I really didn't understand what she meant until I got home.
The way I interpreted grounded is that we stay true to who we are. We had a strong sense of what was important to us and we stuck with it. We do our best to work hard, never complain and treat others with respect.
I think that we stayed grounded in California because we didn't have very many distractions. We were there to work and that's it. We weren't distracted by friends, school, or other family members. I think it's very important to find a place that can bring you back to your roots and help you stay grounded. Otherwise, we get lost in the confusion of life and are never happy.
My advice would be to find who, what and where keeps you grounded. Find that something that reminds you of what makes you happy and the type of person you were born to be.

XOXO annikakae

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