Saturday, August 2, 2014

live better memories : the land of smiles

Traveling is one of the biggest producers of happiness for me. It's why my best friends and I made this blog - because traveling is one thing, among many others as written on this blog, that bring us joy.  It brings such a joy and appreciation to the life I've been given on this freakin awesome planet and I want to live this life to the fullest. All I want to do is explore it all and discover every inch of Heavenly Father's amazing creation that he made solely for us. 
I just got back from a 40 day Humanitarian trip in the incredible country of Thailand and I couldn't be more grateful for the people that I came in contact with while I was there. They taught me a valuable lesson of the importance of remembrance

Remembering Thailand, remembering the culture, remembering the food, remembering what it looked like, what it smelt like, what it felt like, remembering the people, and especially remembering what these awesome Thai people taught me will all last forever in my memory. This life would be pretty ridiculous if we didn't have the blessing of a memory. Lessons learned would be forgotten, familiar faces would be always be new, schooling would be unnecessary, and memories would cease to exist. There would be no point to living! You'd have an incredible day and completely forget about it the next. 

So my advice to myself during and after the trip was...

to take the time to remember. 

As cheesy as it sounds, ever since my high school's senior prom theme was REMEMBER, I've constantly taken that word and idea to heart. Bolded "remember" 's are all over my journal entries keeping me reminded of the important lessons or fun things I did during the week. See, I think that there are two aspects to remembrance. 
1. Having a solid, detailed, thorough memory in your mind
2. Taking the time to make that memory memorable

Take the time to remember the moment so it can seep deep into your memory. Use all of your senses and take a second to nourish the moment. The more memories we keep in our mind, the more we can grow and improve. So many of my experiences in Thailand brought exceeding joy and I want to remember them forever. There were also those moments on my trip when I got caught up on taking "the perfect picture". I realized that I never became fully satisfied in these moments and I'd often miss out on what was right there in front of me because I'd be looking at that tiny bright screen. Take time to remember by being in the moment. Cease the stress of trying to get that perfect Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook post to share with everybody and just keep the memory to yourself. Make it your own and keep it for your own memory so it's solely yours. OWN IT! ("Girl, you own that ponytail...")
It's like in Walter Mitty when the famous photographer Sean O'Connell has an amazing photo opportunity but takes a moment to look away from the lens...
Walter Mitty: When are you going to take it?
Sean O'Connell: Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.
Walter Mitty: Stay in it?
Sean O'Connell: Yeah. Right there. Right here.
Along with the moment and place, there is also the people surrounding you. Take the time to remember people. Remember what they taught you. Remember how they treated you and how they affected you personally. Learn how they are and about their personality and how best to treat them. Be genuine. Remember the little things about them, remember their birthday and how their family is doing. Remember their passions and interests and take the time to do something that will mean a lot to them. The Thai people were incredible at this. They would take the time to please and serve you everyday. It always made my day better when I'd be given the opportunity to do something meaningful for them too. When you take the time to remember somebody, they do the same for you.

Take the time to remember these moments that are given to you because our memory is a huge blessing that we have and show your gratitude for your memory by writing everything down. Because often times we simply need reminding rather than instruction. When we "remember", we gain the opportunity to live a higher quality, satisfying life. When we take the time to remember, our gratitude for our life and blessing increases. 
When we remember our travels, we become grateful for our home and this incredible earth that was created for us. When we remember the Savior and how he died for us, we remember to LIVE for him. When we remember the selflessness of other's actions towards us, we strive to go out and return the service. When we remember what we've learned from trials, we conquer the next with grace and patience. When we remember God's plan for us, we take advantage of this incredible life we get to live. When we remember the moments, we desire to live more.  

So thank you to people that gave me many new incredible memories that I will cherish forever. I mean who gets to go to a foreign country to serve the people, travel on the weekends, and discover a new culture basically all for free?? I'm so flipping blessed to be surrounded by such AMAZING, GENEROUS, CARING, CONSIDERATE, SELFLESS, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. individuals that helped fund my whole trip. Words cannot describe my feelings of gratitude to everybody who helped me get to that beautiful country and for Heavenly Father who surrounded me with such great people. They definitely are the biggest blessing in my life by far. So thank you everybody! I owe you guys the great times I had on this trip. LOVE YOU ALL.




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