Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lessons and Blessins

So I have officially been in glorious provo for four weeks now and my goodness has it been an experience. But to be quite honest, the whole "college" didn't really hit for me for awhile. It didn't really hit me until I saw a girl I went to high school with who was in the younger grade. She asked me, "So how's college?" anddd I'm like over here thinking "wait, I'm still kid, how could I be in college?" but that got me thinking about these last four weeks and the transition of being a teen to being an adult? haha what a joke, I'm still a baby but nonetheless I have learned quite a bit in this last month of living away from home and I like to categorize these experiences into "Lessons and Blessins". So here's to my favorite (or note worthy) lesson and blessins of the month!

 BLESSIN: To be able to live right next to one of my very longest and dearest best friends. She is the girl that keeps me sane on the daily. I love that I get to share this crazy, new adventure with her. And to think that a friendship like ours has survived from awkward junior high times and going to different high schools... gets me every time. Love my erika

LESSON: I've learned to get your studying doneeee. On average there are about three-four hours where you are legit motivated to study. Take advantage of that time, because chances are by eight at night you are so burned out you will do anything to avoid it. I'm talking about justifying photobooth selfies and Mackelmore moments to avoid studying. So, yes my ADD is already kicking in and that's not too good when you have butt load of homework every night. So those three- four hours of productivity... actually use them. 

LESSON: Always, always, alwaysss say yes to Disco skating. So you may get a concussion and look like fool attempting to dance and skate at the same time... followed by falling your face... but still, one of the funnest things I have done so far. 
BLESSIN: Surviving Hurricane Lavelle. So Standing in line for five hours in 95 degree weather for the first football game sounded like a good idea, right? Well, LESSON, never wish that hot sun to go away because surely a hurricane will take over. But hey, standing in the pouring rain for an hour cuddling up to randoms to preserve body heat is an awesome way to meet people. So hurricane Lavelle, you were lovely. 

                                                                The before and after...

BLESSIN: To have a Great Harvest nearby that supplies by need of a good chocolate chip cookie and diet coke on rough days. And wonderful pinterest to keep me laughing on those bad days as well.

LESSON: When you are are going to Hollywood Party, always say yes to Red Lip Stick and run like the wind when someone named Ronell starts to hit on you... No but seriously, run. Fast.

LESSON: I have officially witnessed the struggles of byu football, but seriously, we need to learn to catch a ball. So with that, Ute friends--I bitterly congratulate you. But seriously, ball+hands= catch. One day we will get it. But nonetheless I still love my cougs. 

BLESSIN: Got see Dr. Dog and Lumineers in concert. Easily the best decision of the week. Somehow my friend Lize convinced me and two other strangers to purchase tickets with her. That night we all met for the first time and ventured to Salt Lake to see these amazing bands play. SUCH a good way to spend a school night. SO FUN! Totally worth getting behind on my homework. Simply amazing. 

Biggest BLESSIN & LESSON of all... 
making new, lasting friendships all around. I possibly could not ask for a better building of girls to live with. 

And to feel lucky every day to have such amazing best friends as well back home. I love hearing about their adventures on the daily and I cannot wait to be reunited with them again!

LOVE you all, Miss you like crazy every single day!! 

Love, Lauren