Tuesday, June 3, 2014

it's time

Olympus High School
Home of the Titans
Salt Lake City, Utah
Grades 10-12

Here's a tribute to you graduating seniors this year and for the years to come! Thrive and soak it all in. This last week of school cruises by and before you know it, you're saying bye to the people you've grown up with the past 13 years. So take it slow, and remember to enjoy it
Senior year is unlike any other. 
Here are a few things you should know. It won't hit you when you wake up for your last first day of high school. 
It won't hit you as you walk down the Olympus halls for the first time as an official senior. It won't hit you when you cheer at your last homecoming pep rally against Skyline, battling for the rock. It won't hit you when you attend your last football game on that field. 
It won't hit you as you go to your last homecoming dance and feel like you rule the dance floor. It won't hit you as your Wednesday nights consist of watching amazing boys open mission calls. 
It won't hit you as you enter the floor to perform at state for the last time. It won't hit you as you perform in your last production. It won't hit you as you attend your last assemblies.
It won't hit you as you apply to countless colleges. It won't hit you as you write that generic essay letter that you try to use for each applications. It won't hit you as your college friends return for Christmas break and give you all their advice on how to have the best Freshman year. 
It won't hit you as you celebrate New Year's with the friends you have known since childhood. It won't hit you as you attend your last basketball game.
It won't hit you when you cheer "Here we go Titan's, here we go!" at your last Senior night and cry your eyes out after with all your friends in the parking lot. You won't feel it when you are having the time of your life at your last spring break, thinking there is nowhere else you'd rather be. 
You won't realize it at  your last Prom, let alone dance, when you are having the time of your life because you are celebrating solely with your own grade.
You don't realize it as your grade participates in an huge water-fight. You don't realize it as you line up with the greatest people in the world for the Senior panoramic picture. You don't realize it as you wait in line to bear your testimony of gratitude for your class at Senior testimony meeting.
You don't realize it during Senior skip day when you're going in to get your last refund to spend at Molca right after. You don't realize it as your getting handed your last Titan yearbook. 
You begin to realize it at Graduation when you look around and realize that you will never see half of these people again. As you stand outside surrounded by the people you've known for years, all dressed in silver and green graduation gowns, it finally hits you that this is the day you've thought about ever since you started school. And as your class throws your caps and moves that graduation string to the other side, you begin to realize it.
You begin to realize it after Senior Night when you step off a school bus for the last time and the 'see you laters' officially begin. 
You really start to realize it when you're surrounded by all your best friends on senior trip, enjoying the sun and each other's company. 
You will start to see it more over the summer when every sunday consists of at least 4 mission farewells and tuesday nights are filled with 'see you laters!' rather than 'goodbyes.' 
You realize it when everyone is getting their roommates or companions, class schedules or areas, and going to orientation or the little place we call the MTC. Yet, it still hasn't fully hit you when you are sitting in your room packing up the past 18 years of your life, laughing with your best friend and mom about all the great memories you've made. 
You might feel it in the morning when you leave for college as that is another 'see you later' to your room, parents, and best friends only for a time-that's right-only for a time
It will finally hit you when you are sitting in your dorm room with a perfect, but relatable stranger, that you get to live with for the next year.
Then it sinks in.  
So please. PLEASE, make every moment of Senior year and/or this last week of high school count. You only get to do it once. College is great, and you will enjoy it, but don't wish away any of these last moments. Take lots of pictures, make lots of laughs, and remember to live for today.
So please remember to enjoy these last couple days. 
Say goodbye to your teachers and tell them how much you appreciated their time and efforts. Walk down that hall that you got sick of everyday. Run on the field and kiss that person to make sure you are a True Titan. Stand and take pictures at the O. Walk the halls of seminary and feel that special spirit there for the last time. Lay on the basketball court. Add your sticker to the graphics room. Get your yearbook signed by all your favorite teachers and people. Say thanks to the administration. Give your love to your friends and thanks to your family. Be genuine and share your love and appreciation before you can't anymore.
DO IT ALL!! and take your time to enjoy it. Cease for one second about stressing to take that perfect Instagram picture or tweeting that prime tweet. Just sit back and enjoy it. 
This post isn't to make you sad and it isn't meant to be sappy at ALL (you know I hate that.) Words cannot describe how much I want you guys to enjoy it. You only live this year and this last week once, you only graduate high school once, and you're only around the same group of kids for 12 years experiencing everything together once. So take this advice from a class who knows firsthand and live it uppppppp. 

"So featherweight freshman hold on, it's only 4 years long!"

Remember the memories and get stoked to make a lot more this next year to come. COLLEGE BRO.  

Good luck this week amigos!
It's going to be such a nice time. 


Four Years - Jon McLaughlin

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