we all often think that our day depends on what happens to us, but in reality it's really our reaction that drives our days. in 9th grade seminary, we learned that 10% of our life is what happens and 90% is how we react. i couldn't agree more! i mean, when has your day gone 10x better simply by being positive? this is what I've learned lately. by changing my perspective and my attitude, my day runs that much more smoothly. i could choose to nag when my mom asks me to do something, or i could help my amazing mother with a happy face. i could choose to be sorrowful about missionaries leaving, or i could praise them and my Heavenly Father for this wonderful opportunity for them to serve and share this amazing LDS gospel. i could choose to mope around and be lazy, or i could go enjoy this beautiful earth that we live on. i could choose to neglect all of these opportunities that summer brings, or go out and enjoy them for myself. there really is something to be enjoyed everyday, we just need to find it.
my point in all of this, is that we just need to enjoy. we need to enjoy today.
and not only enjoy today, but fully enjoy today.
we need to live. live fully. and live for ourselves. i know how cheesy the saying of "live everyday like it's your last" is, but we really do need to! we're here to live to the fullest. to live to show our gratitude. to live to love others. to live to experience everything we can. to live to serve others. to live to share our beliefs. to live to lighten other's loads. to live to laugh. to live to make mistakes. to live to never postpone a prompting. to live to learn. to live to grow. to live to return to Him. to live to explore. to live to build relationships. to live to LIVE. and ultimately, to live to enjoy.
we're here to live for ourselves and for no one else. so do what you want to do and do what makes you happy. you don't owe anyone anything, so live for yourself. live in the moment and live how you want to. don't focus on the future and what you'll think about this time. just live for today. live your emotions fully. don't shrug them off, because they won't fully disappear until they are truly, fully felt. be full in all that you do. wherever you are, be all there. just enjoy it.

enjoy your time. just enjoy it. don't focus on the legit object of time. just enjoy the time you have. don't count down, or up by time. think of time as space. just enjoy the space that is given to you. enjoy everything that you can do with that "time". do as much as you can in that space or simply just sit and relax with the "time" that you do have. we never know when it's going to run out. so just enjoy it.
enjoy what you're given. be grateful and show it. show it to everyone. get off technology(ha irony...)and go enjoy outside and the others around you. make it a goal to strengthen the relationships you have with people face to face and not text to text. enjoy the intangible things rather than the material things of the world. focus on relationships with friends and family rather than a lit up screen. try to understand your loved ones. don't be lazy, and go that extra mile. enjoy the simple things. enjoy this beautiful world that Heavenly Father has made for us! enjoy other's happiness and try to add to it. just enjoy it.

enjoy yourself. love yourself. love who you are and what He made you to be. how cheesy as this is, but believe in yourself. believe that you are a beautiful, smart, loving, sweet, daughter of our Heavenly Father. He loves us so much and only wants us to do the same. I heard this quote a while back and i think it explains ourselves perfectly.
"It doesn't make sense to call ourselves ugly, because we really don't see ourselves. we don't watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up and silent with chest rising and falling with our own rhythm. we don't see ourselves reading a book, eyes fluttering and glowing. you don't see yourself looking at someone with love and care inside your heart. there's no mirror in your way when you're laughing and smiling and happiness is leaking out of you. you would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly yourself."
so really really truly love yourself and enjoy who you are.

hahahaha i hope i've made my point clear...;)
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