as i sat on the church benches in sacrament meeting today, i reflected on my week, thinking about what i need to work on. i try and make these thoughts occur weekly because i know that there isn't any progression without reflection. i considered the week: remembering things that i could congratulate myself for and also the things that i failed at. i take into account what i saw during the week that i enjoyed and what things i need to cease from becoming.
what stood out to me the most, was when people were genuine.
see and it's funny because many things lately have all brought me back to this idea of being genuine.
i want to live genuinely-in all aspects. because i think then, my life would be more filling! as cheesy as it sounds, i really think it would. and i've been searching for that one thing that's missing anyways so i think it'll help.
maura dern said it perfectly,
"i want to act by not only focusing around kindness, but on a general interest in people. avoiding the shallow conversations and really getting to know them."
i'm sick of all the small talk and casual conversations filled with the same old questions. (ha lets be real, nobody truly wants to hear about what you're majoring in because then it just adds more stress to your indecisiveness.) i want to be genuinely interested in people and how they are doing and what they are doing. i want to know if they're genuinely doing okay so then i can know how to help. we always have infinite room to love and serve someone.
i really do think being genuinely involved with a couple friends is better than being shallow with many. and with those friends, you've got to treat them like friends. to genuinely love them, you've got to love their mistakes, faults, and talents-you've got to love them fully. so make those genuine efforts and take that time to love and serve them fully. find joy in your friends and family.

i want to live with passion. referring to my lovely friend haley hilton's blog, she talked about the importance of living with passion. what is life if it isn't with passion? you're wasting your time if you're not doing what you love. do what you want and do what you love and everything else will work itself out. because when you hope and work towards good, the work will work for your good.
see and i think it's good to focus on the genuine things too so then you can be genuinely happy. i feel like the world has changed the view on what can make people genuinely happy.
for example:
A.) the image of social media
i love social media but i hate social media, i truly do! yet, i still involve myself with it because Satan continuously convinces me that i can find true happiness from it. stupid stupid stupid. (ha i'm going to try and do something about that btw.) but for me, social media never helps. i always find myself comparing other people's highs to my lows when i log on. yet, we all do it-we all post on social media for one reason or another. maybe to get attention from that one guy, to show how great the weekend was, or to simply post just to post and see how much publicity we can get. but see, when we get caught up in competing and comparing our lives with others, we forget the great highlights right in front of us-we forget to enjoy today.
these distractions are "costly apparel" and arise prideful feelings that aren't needed in our lives. they keep us from enjoying true happiness and enable Satan to make us believe that they will bring us satisfactory joy. we get so caught up in thinking about how we're going to top the pictures tomorrow, or how we're going to look better than that girl tomorrow, or how we're going to tweet the funniest tweet tomorrow, etc. etc.... we need not worry about tomorrow because it will sort itself out, we just need to enjoy the genuine things of today and help others do the same.
"I asked before, what can a person gain from beauty? The answer is nothing. Now, what can a person gain from knowing they are a child of God? Everything. What can a person gain knowing there is more to them than a facebook “like”? That their character and actions prove to make a much more noticeable mark on the world than hitting 100 “tweets?” We should be teaching our children they are beautiful long before they ever have a facebook or twitter account. The kind of beauty I'm talking about is taught, not put together in front of a mirror with makeup and hairspray. Some of the most beautiful people you and I know would never appear on the cover of a People magazine. Now I'm not saying we shouldn't feel good about how we look. Our bodies are gifts from God and we should honor them as such. I'm not saying it's bad to walk out of the door feeling good in your new jeans. Heck, I’m not even saying you shouldn’t feel good when your neighbor compliments your looks. What I AM saying is that the foundation of our self worth should not be made of “likes.” It should be made of the content of our character and the true beauty that lives inside all of us."
i don't want to focus on my looks or how to outwardly impress people anymore. i want to focus on how i make people feel and how i am feeling on the inside about myself. i want to be sure of myself through feeling confident of inside self. i want to develop my talents and love myself and others with more sincerity. i want to set down that technology and ignore that social media sting so i can develop my relationships face to face rather than screen to screen. i want to acknowledge how blessed i am and immerse myself in those blessings. i want to ignore the "costly apparels" of the world and find true happiness in the genuine lovelies of the world.
so if that isn't enough rambling, i don't know what is!
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