Lately, well randomly lately, I've needed this pep talk more than ever. i think that i'm feeling this way because of this weird stage of life that i'm in. this limbo. this place in life where i feel like i don't belong anywhere yet. the place between college and high school haha.
I often find myself getting caught up in thinking about college and my role at the U next year and i start to worry and over-think things a most girls, right? so i'm normal? k cool.
so basically my biggest struggle and worry right now is about....myself.
i know that we're taught to love ourselves and to keep our confidence high, but i really believe that no one girl is constantly feeling that way 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. there's no way. but hey, if you're reading this right now and you are that one person, make sure to hit me up and let me know of your secrets:)
i think the whole reason why i'm starting to feel down on myself lately is because i'm constantly worrying about all of the girls i'm going to be comparing myself to next year. is that good for myself? of course not! do i still do it? duhhhh. unfortunately, i'm an 18 year old girl who sees her weaknesses more often then her own strengths. i know i don't have a flippin victoria secret model body. i know i'm not the most outgoing person. i know i'm not the prettiest person in the world. i know that my confidence doesn't shine like it should. i know that i make mistakes. and i know that i'm not that perfect girl that i wish i was.
see and i know that Satan is just trying to get me down, i know that. i really do. i try to fight him off everyday but he knows right when and where to cut me down. he knows my weaknesses and chooses to put them right out in front of my eyes everyday. i know that. i'm not dumb haha. ahh i just really dislike know what though, sometimes knowing that he is behind it all just doesn't help me move past it. and this is one of those nights!
but you know what does help me move past it? praying to my Heavenly Father. he on the other hand, knows my strengths and knows my potential. in all honesty, a tiny tiny tiny part of me gets excited for these "confidence-lacking sessions" because i know that i can sincerely pray to Him for help. He knows exactly what i need and He knows exactly how to help me. He sends me wonderful friends and family to lift me up down here on earth- i really do feel so lucky for all of the relationships i have here. He sends us so many tools to help us get where we need to be, we just need to use them. He provides so much comfort and peace, that we just need to accept it and believe what He is trying to tell us. He knows i'm His daughter and He knows me better than anybody else. and He knew that i needed to hear my favorite speaker ever, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, give this talk. So as i was just pulling up YouTube on my laptop, this was the first video I saw.

kinda sappy...but oh well!
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