Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Go Get It

I always think it's funny to think of how people come up with blog post ideas. Like what made them think, "hey I want to write about that doormat" or "yes, I definitely need to post about what my water bottle taught me today." Like really, where do those moments come from where you can hardly wait to write about that little something. That little something that makes us stop everything we are doing and go YES. WRITE, NOW. But as silly as it sounds, those moments do come, and the urgency is very real (and don't worry, I know I'm a writer geek. Whatevs) Well, for me it came for me today while untangling a gigantic knot consisting of 5 necklaces (oh and it makes for a super fun time when they are all silver too) as a result of being too lazy to unpack them twelve days ago... and effortlessly settling into some deep thought about my time in France thus far. Which of course has drove my ambition to write..and possibly procrastinate my tangled mess for a bit longer... 

Coming to study abroad in France is a dream. Let's be real, it's crazy exciting, but crazy real too. Three months in a foreign country? So much opportunity to learn, grow, experience, yada yada yada. But never forget there's another (quite nerve-racking) side of the dream. It's the crap-I-don't-speak-french and wait-this-doesn't-feel-like-home side. It's the side that consists of some homesick nights, unfamiliar food, and getting lost on the metro errrday. But it's an adventure, just like I wanted. 

Before I left people would ask me "Are you crazy excited?" or "So what's on your agenda for the next three months?" And each time I would just give them the reaction they wanted, the dropped jaw, wide-eyed smile that I was just sooo excited. A little fake? maybe. A white lie? not entirely. OF COURSE I was excited. Why else would I sign up? le duh. But I was scared. This was new, I was alone, and wasn't exactly sure what I wanted out of the program. And let's be real, I just knew I literally had no idea what I was signing up for. But before I knew it, my bags were packed and I was on my way to the land of crepes and Ratatouille (disney nerd, what up). As I sat down on the plane I had two immediate thoughts that consumed the entire 11 hour flight. One being, "ya, okay, this guy next to me has the worst b.o." and the second, "What do I want out of these three months?"

Adventure, obviously. But I knew there was something more… I just wasn't sure what it was. 

So I got off that plane and the "adventure" officially began. So far it has included some snail dinners, some deep belly laughs, far too many (but worthwhile) pastries, and never ending aching feet (which won't be going away anytime soon). But more than anything it has given me some time to really think- about home, myself, my future, and this incredible opportunity. And it has taken me 12 days, but I found it. I think I have finally have found what I want for myself these coming months. 

And here's the deal, I'm not going to say what it is. 

Not to be nagging, not to be attention seeking, but because I really think you could gain so much more for yourself by not. (Ah-hah the blog post takes a twist :)) But rather, how bout we stop comparing our adventures to each other's and start soaking up our own. Ya feel me? Instead, find what you want to make of yourself these coming months. If these past two weeks have taught me anything it's that opportunity for adventure is literally anywhere you're willing to look. And of course people will say, "But you're in France, it's so easy to say that." But I'm serious. I'm seriously looking forward to the time I get home so I can get down to business to change some things in my life. 

Being away I've discovered habits are good, structure and order are fabuloussss!.. but are also sometimes the culprit of us saying those daunting phrases of "my life is boring" or "nothing is happening in my life." But here's what's awesome, we don't have to be the victim if we don't want to be. We can make our days adventurous, our dreams actually real, we really can make what we want of our lives! And I just didn't realize this because now I'm in this fascinating country-- uh WRONGO. This whole perception that I'm free from trouble and the real world because I'm abroad, well it's actually hilariously not true. Life here- It's wonderful but it's hard. And it's a blessing but it's also a trial too. Everyday I'm learning something about myself, and everyday I'm beginning to understand that an adventurous life isn't based off opportunity, it's on how we want to see the world we live in. 

So friends, if you're up for a challenge, I'm throwing out there that you sit down and really think what these coming months to be for yourself. Now caution, sometimes things don't always go as planned and sometimes the wind gets in the way (as I'm casually ignoring the crawling spider(s) of my new bedroom)- but the good news is, when you know what you want your life to be, you have the power to adjust your sails to get there. So make some goals, be happy, and never undermine the opportunities that are placed right beneath your feet. And whether we are abroad, at school, or anywhere else- make these next months (and years, of course) yours and let's inspire each other to make more of our lives. 

And just in case you didn't know- Your dreams are important and possible, your ability is wrongfully underrated, and you really do have the power to change the world! Let's get off Netflix and go make something of our days. Stop planning on tomorrows and start living today. And that little dream or secret desire of yours.. go get it. It's worth it, I'm sure of it. 

Love and MISS you all!

 ('specially you ladies, you know who you are)

I'll be sure to eat enough macaroons for you all… 
not like I don't do that already… awk. 

Love always, Laur

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